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Chief Executive's Welcome

Welcome to The Cam Academy Trust and to our Academies. We are delighted that you are interested in us and the high quality education that our Academies seek to provide.

It is my privilege to oversee the work of our Academies and to report to our trustees regarding this. Every Academy has its own Principal or Head of School who reports to me and work to ensure the best possible education in their own Academy. They work with their own team of high-quality staff and staff across our Academies work with each other to seek to ensure that all our pupils are very well educated and achieve high standards. Each Academy’s individual prospectus will give details of this.

Our over-arching purpose is simple: we want to secure educational excellence for all, with our Academies working at the heart of and serving their local communities.

Claire Heald, Chief Executive of The Cam Academy Trust 

Excellence For All